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Tratsch und Klatsch - Thema: Unterwasser Film Festival
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Re: Unterwasser Film Festival

1/ The Festival takes place every year. The contests are open to everyone.

2/ Deadline for registration and dispatch : September 15th.
We recommend you send registrations as soon as possible.

3/ Registration forms and packets must be mailed to :
62, Avenue de Pins du Cap 06160 ANTIBES JUAN-LES-PINS - France
Fax: (33) 04 93 67 34 93 E-mail : spondyle@wanadoo.fr

4/ The organisation will refuse all parcels generating duty on delivery. Please ensure this will not happen.

5/ The Organizing Committee undertakes to take very great care of works but can in no way be held responsible for loss or damage to the works during the Festival or in the mail.
Participants should therefore take out insurance if they think it necessary.

6/ Registration fees (Television channels are exempt)
First enrolment in a film, slide, photo, slide-show, conchology or web site category: 20 €
For each additional enrolment in these above categories: 10 €
Registrations in all others categories are free

7/ Works which have already been presented at the Festival cannot be considered.

8/ Only those works chosen by the preselection jury will be presented. Its decision will be final.

9/ Competition entries must be made on the official Festival entry form duly completed and signed. One form per work generating a title (films, slide-show…) Photocopies accepted.

10/ Films should be accompanied by a synopsis, and if possible a photo of the author and of filming.

11/ The official language at the Festival is French. For works presented in any other language, the author must provide a typed script of the work in French or in English, either on paper, diskette or e-mail.

12/ The use of the same picture in several categories is forbidden.

13/ Photos and slides in competition may not have a co-author.

14/ Prizes awarded :
The total value of all awards is more than 35 000 euros.

GROUP A (medium lenght and feature films)

Gold, Silver and Bronze Prize
Prize of the President of the Republic to the Gold prize
Prize Planete Thalassa
Albert 1st Foundation Oceanographic Museum of Monaco Prize
Current News Prize
Special Jury Prize

GROUP B (videoclip and short)

Gold, Silver and Bronze Prize
Special Jury Prize
Paul Ricard Oceanographic Institute Prize
Fédération Française de Cinéma and Vidéo Prize
Dimitri Rebikoff Prize
Brigitte Cruickshank Prize


Public Prize
Animal Documentary Prize
Historical Documentary Prize
Fiction Prize
Humour and the unusual Prize

Best Musical Adaptation Prize


French Conchology Association Prize
Jorge Albuquerque Prize

Gold and Silver Diver
Best Musical Adaptation in a Sound Series Prize

Gold and Silver Diver
Best Musical Adaptation in a slide show Prize

Gold, Silver and Bronze Diver
"Papua New Guinea" Prize (to the Gold Diver)
"Océans" magazine prize to the best cover slide

1st, 2nd, and 3rd Prize
André Laban Prize “La Passion du Bleu”
Young Photographer Prize - under 15

Festival Prize
Jean and Maryse Chapeyroux Prize

Coral Prize for Books, International Prize for Books of Underwater Images,
International Prize for Best Guide to the Underwater World.

"François de Roubaix" Prize,
Festival Prize,
IOPR Prize

Prize for an Educational Site,
Prize for a Promotional Site,
Prize for an Artistic Site


15/ Works presenting an interest in the underwater world, even though they may not correspond with the rules and regulations set forth, may be accepted by the preselection jury and compete for a special award.

16/ Still picture competitors agree to reproduction of their pictures for the Festival archives and promotion.

17/ FILM category prize winners agree to supply at cost price one copy of the prize-winning film.

18/ Competitors agree to the use of their works by the Festival during non-profit-making promotional campaigns for sub-aqua activities. At each use of the works the name of the author will be mentioned but no payment for use of the copyright or retribution of any kind will be possible. No commercial use of the movies will be made by the organizers of the Festival.
All individuals wishing to purchase one of the works will be put in contact with the producers and/or authors.

19/ The Organizing Committee will consider that, according to law, all works presented are free and clear copyright and the exclusive property of the authors. By their participation in the Festival, the authors undertake to guarantee the organizers against any claims that might be made against them. The Festival organizers may in no way whatsoever be held responsible in cases of dispute or litigation.

20/ The decisions of the jury are final. Participation in a contest entails acceptance of the above regulations.

21/ All competitors are provided with a season ticket for themselves and their spouse/partner free of charge.



All films received are shown in public.
The group criteria are proposed for your guidance and are not absolute. The preselection Jury will make a final decision on the entry group. The preselection Jury will show all films selected in groups A and B to the corresponding jury (Group A Jury and Group B Jury) which will award the Gold, Silver and Bronze Prizes, Special Jury Prize and specific prizes in each group. All other prizes will be awarded in both groups. Each competitor can present one or several movies.

Submission format : Beta SP, Beta Num, DV, DVCAM, Mini DVCAM, exclusively PAL (NTSC accepted for Mini DV, Mini DVCAM only)

"A GROUP" film (medium lenght and feature films)
Unlimited length. Minimum of underwater shots: 30%
For your guidance : professional productions, broadcast quality.

"B GROUP" film (videoclip and short)
Maximum length : 20'.
Minimum of underwater shots : 40%
For your guidance : amateur film makers, independant producer.

registration form :
online registration from / registration form for printers (needs acrobat reader)

1/ Slides must have been taken during under-water diving.

2/ Set format 24 x 36 (Slides fitting a frame of 5 x 5 cm) or digital files recorded on CD-rom (no sending by e-mail). Only image files (.jpeg is better) are accepted. The CD-rom must include 10 different images files (Minimal size:1280*960 pixels, less than 10 Mo each) without any text nor subtitle in the picture.

3/ Each competitor must present 10 slides (pictures).

Each competitor is allowed to present one set of slides only.

Judgment will be made on the set of slides as a whole.

4/ Slides must be mounted under glass and sent in a packaging which affords proper protection.

5/ Each slide must bear the following information : SURNAME, NAME and a red spot in the lower left-hand corner when looking through the slide as it was taken. For digital photographs, files must be named as follows: NAME-First name-NN (NAME: Name of the competitor; First name: first name of the competitor; NN: number of the picture from 01 to 10). NAME and First name of the competitor must also be written on the CD-rom with indelible ink.

registration form :
online registration from / registration form for printers (needs acrobat reader)

1/ Set formats : 35 x 40 or 30 x 40 (cm).

2/ Only UNMOUNTED prints will be accepted (the organization will put them under glass)

3/. Each competitor is allowed to present ONE photograph in each category.

4/ Photographs must carry on the back, in block capitals :
SURNAME, NAME, complete address and title of the photo.

registration form :
online registration from / registration form for printers (needs acrobat reader)

1/ The contest is open to young photographers being 15 or younger at the Festival date.


registration form :
online registration from / registration form for printers (needs acrobat reader)

The 'French Association of Conchology Prize' will be awarded to the best slide, B&W or colour print which, while presenting strong aesthetic qualities, serves to increase our knowledge of the still sometimes mysterious world of shells. The latter, photographed in living form, must demonstrate some particular morphological characteristics or emphasise certain habits.
Each entrant may submit between one and ten 24 x 36 mm slides and/or one to three paper prints: 30 x 40 or 30 x 45 cm.
All shell pictures submitted in the PHOTOS and SLIDES categories will also be automatically entered in this competition.

registration form :
online registration from / registration form for printers (needs acrobat reader)


1/ Both photographically or digital works are accepted
2/ Two categories of audiovisual montage will now be accepted and judged separately :
a) Sound series: sequences of images on the same theme accompanied by a only musical tape.
Maximum length : 6 minutes. No additional time will be allowed.
b) Slide-show (as it is known) : i.e. audiovisual montage which develops a theme and which must compulsorily have a commentary, and may also have a music score and soundtrack, with or without mixing.
Maximum length : 12 minutes. However the jury may extend the length of the time allowed by a maximum of 20% if it considers the show to be of exceptional quality.

3/ All slide-shows that have not been awarded a prize in one of our previous Festivals may be presented again, providing there have been noticeable improvements.

4/ A minimum of 50% of the images must be shot underwater. Disregarding this clause will result in automatic elimination from the competition.

5/ The technical form must be sent with the registration form.
If necessary, the technical manager will contact the entrant to confirm projection requirements.

registration form :
online registration from / registration form for printers (needs acrobat reader)
Audiovisual montage technical form

During the World Festival of Underwater Pictures two international book prizes are awarded. These prizes are open to books from all countries published during the last and current year.

The World Underwater Picture Book Prize:
is awarded to a work noted for
- its picture quality, its subject, its presentation, its production

The Best Underwater World Guide
is awarded to a work noted for illustrated books giving knowledge and information about a subject regarding the underwater world.

The organization of the event is planned as follows:
· The publisher or the author sends as soon as possible, before September 15th, a first copy of the book with the registration form to the Festival.
· On receipt, the pre-selection Jury advise the publisher or the author of its decision.
· Then five copies must be sent, which the Festival will forward to the Jury members.
· Meeting of the Jury, during the Festival.
· Official presentation of the Prize during the Festival's closing session.

It should be noted that books in competition are listed in the Festival programme and all the works sent to us will be on display during the event.
No document will be returned.

registration form :
online registration from / registration form for printers (needs acrobat reader)

During the World Festival of Underwater Pictures APNÉA Magazine (France) and APNEA Revista (Spain) attribute the APNEA Underwater Article Prize

1/ This contest is open to all authors, French and foreign.
The article must have an underwater theme.

2/ The article can be made by 2 authors (e.g. one can take the pictures and the other one can write the text).

3/ Candidates must send their registration form before September 15 and the article before October 1st to the Festival address.

4/ The whole report must be previously unpublished.

5/ The text must be in french, typed (on a diskette if possible) and must not be over 3,000 to 3,500 words (2,500 words on average).

6/ The article must have a general title.

7/ The illustration must be made with numbered slides. The number of slides should not exceed 40 (15 minimum).
Every illustration must have a caption (short key) on a separate page.

8/ The Apnéa Underwater Article Prize jury will be composed by Apnéa-Magazine. It will take place at the beginning of the Festival to choose the winners and give a global grant of 1500 Euro.

9/ Apnéa-Magazine and Apnea Revista (Spain) have the exclusive right of publication of the texts and illustrations sent for this contest. A picture from the article could be used for the Magazine cover. Whatever the award amount, no additional payment for copyright or retribution of any kind will be possible.

registration form :
online registration from / registration form for printers (needs acrobat reader)


François de Roubaix Prize

1/ In order to allow meetings between musicians, composers and film makers and to promote music in the World Festival of Underwater Pictures, we have created the " François de ROUBAIX Prize " to pay homage to this composer.
This prize rewards an original composition on the sea and submarine theme.

2/ This contest is open to composers of all nationalities.

3/ This contest is open to all instruments

4/ Each candidate will present only one composition.

5/ The composition will not last more than 10 minutes.

6/ The registration form, a complete music curriculum and the composition in the two following forms will be sent to the Festival before September 15th
- the score, correctly written and legible.
- the score played and recorded on a standard cassette or on a CD. which contains only the music in competition for the Festival.

7/ The author certifies that the composition is original and unpublished

8/ On the cassette or the CD and on the score the composer will specify :
- full name
- address
- telephone number
No document will be returned.

9/ The Festival will send an aknowledgement of receipt to the composer on reception of the whole information concerning his music. At this moment we will consider that the registration is made. The composer will be informed directly of the jury's decision.

10/ The jury, composed of French and international music personalities will meet in October.
The jury's decision is final, no appeal will be possible.

11/ The winners will receive according to results
- The " François de ROUBAIX Prize ".
- The Festival Prize.
- The Paul Ricard Oceanographic Institute Prize.
They will be invited to the Festival.
Their music will be played during the Festival and will be heard by members of the French and international press.
The Festival attributes an € 1,500 reward to one or several winners.

registration form :
online registration from / registration form for printers (needs acrobat reader)

This competition is intended to promote the use of the Internet for the presentation of underwater subjects. This competition is open to French and foreign sites. The subject of the site must be related to the underwater world and will be judged in one of the following three categories:

• Educational ­ dedicated to marine life, archaeology, history, sport, teaching diving, etc..
• A site which promotes the underwater world - tourism, discovering dive sites, diving equipment, etc.
• Artistic site ­ presenting work related to the underwater world
Send the registration form as soon as possible, but before September 15th, to the Festival address:

registration form :
online registration from / registration form for printers (needs acrobat reader)

1) The ADVERTISING AND UNDERWATER PICTURE Contest is open to all advertising achievements using the underwater world as a theme (shots, flora, fauna, leisure and professional equipment, etc.) to promote products not belonging to the underwater sector.

2) Two categories will be awarded:
- "Posters and Newspapers"
- "Films"

3) The "FESTIVAL PRIZE" for both categories will be awarded by the jury during the event.

4) Deadline for registration and mailing: September 15th

5) Packets must be mailed to the Festival address

6) The selected still photo will be given the Festival Prize and will be announced in the programme (circulation of 15,000). This programme will be distributed at the occasion of our tour to present the prize-winning films in 100 towns in France and abroad.
The selected film will receive the Festival Prize and will be presented during the Festival and included in the tour programme.

7) All films and posters participating in the contest will be presented during the Festival.

registration form :
online registration from / registration form for printers (needs acrobat reader)

Entry form (acrobat) (needs acrobat reader).
4.06.2006 11:09 Uhr Pietro eine Email schicken
mudskipper mudskipper ist männlich

Beiträge: 502
Herkunft: Wien

Hochgeladene Videos Videos: 5
Re: Unterwasser Film Festival

hier der Link zu Antibes
mudskipper media auf facebook

Lieber ein Tag bei Regenwetter in den Tropen beim Tauchen und Videofilmen als bei Sonnenschein und 30° im Büro!
4.06.2006 12:02 Uhr mudskipper ist offlinemudskipper eine Email schicken
Pietro Pietro ist männlich

Beiträge: 372
Herkunft: USA
Beruf: Vertrieb

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Unterwasservideo Festival

Hallo Leute ,

hier noch info zu einem Unterwasservideo Festival in ROM Italien, wurde von ein paar bekannten empfohlen. Die Preise sind auch ganz schoen (500 bis 1200 Euro) fuer finalisten und Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Es gibt 3 Kategorien: Film (ueber 20min), Video ( bis 20min), Beginner Video ( bis 20min). Da es ein kleines aber feines Festival ist gibt es noch keine webseite. Fuer alle die interessiert sind, schickt mir eine email mit Bezug: UNTERWASSERVIDEO ROM und ihr bekommt die teilnahmebedingungen und anmeldeformulare per email als word dokument zuschickt.


“PELAGOS 2006”

We inform you, that the 8th edition of Pelagos - International Festival Underwater Picture will take place in Rome between 13th – 19th november 2006.

You find herewith attached two files concerning the video competition regulation and the application form that I suggest you to send to our office by fax or mail as soon as possible. Telephone/Fax numbers and complete address are reported on the regulation.

Please take note that our web site is currently under revision and that will be up to date within the next month in order to offer you a complete set of information concerning the event.

I take the opportunity to point out that the video competition consists of three separate sections: FILM, MASTER and BEGINNER (see details on regulation).

Competitors are requsted to tender each video to only one section.

In any case, application form and video should be both submitted by 13th october 2006 to MAR Association.

Registration is free of charge.

If you need more clarifications or suggestions, please don\'t hesitate to contact us.

Thanks and Best regards

Massimo Castellano
Pelagos – International Festival Underwater Picture

Bei Interesse schickt E-mail an Pietro unter info@uw-vision.com

Beitrag wurde 3 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt von Pietro am 26.07.2006 14:31 Uhr
26.07.2006 14:25 Uhr Pietro ist offlinePietro eine Email schicken
Pietro Pietro ist männlich

Beiträge: 372
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Beruf: Vertrieb

Hochgeladene Videos Videos: 9
Re: Unterwasser Video Festival

+++ XARIFA News Ticker +++ XARIFA News Ticker +++ XARIFA News Ticker +++

English Text follows below

Liebe Unterwasser Foto&Videografen,

die Zeit wird langsam knapp: Das XARIFA Unterwasser Foto&Video Festival findet am 14. und 15. Oktober 2006 in Kelsterbach statt ... und der Einsendeschluss am 1. September 2006. Noch ist etwas Zeit die Siegerfotos bzw. –videos zu machen.

Unsere Sponsoren unterstützen uns kräftig: Es gibt wieder einige wertvolle Preise zu gewinnen. Wer die Sponsoren des UW-Fotogesamtsiegerpreises kennen lernen will, der soll gleich im Internet unter http://www.uwfv.de/xarifa/ nachsehen. Etwas ähnliches wird für den Gesamtsieger UW-Video geplant ...
... und für die Youngsters unter den Einsendern gibt es auch wieder tolle Preise !!!

Bis bald in Kelsterbach und viel Spaß bei der Auswahl der Einreichungen.

Das XARIFA-Team und
Leonore & Karl-Heinz

PS: Sollte sich der Internet Browser über gesperrte aktive Inhalte beschweren, so können diese ruhig gelesen werden – die Site ist 100% virenfrei!

+++ XARIFA News Ticker +++ XARIFA News Ticker +++ XARIFA News Ticker +++

Dear Underwater Photo&Videographers,

it's about time: The XARIFA Unterwasser Foto&Video Festival is going to happen on October 14 and 15, 2006, in Kelsterbach ... and the due date for your submission is September 1, 2006. There is still some time left to take the winning shots or videos.

We a highly supported by our sponsors so you can win some valuable awards. However, you should not miss to visite the internet http://www.uwfv.de/xarifa/ now to learn more about the sponsors of the major uw-photo award. We have something similar for uw-video in the pipeline ...
... and even the Youngsters will be proud of their awards !!!

See soon at Kelsterbach and a lot of fun selecting your contributions.

The XARIFA-Team and
Leonore & Karl-Heinz

PS: Don't worry if your internet browser complains about some active web contents or scripts – please enable these features, the XARIFA site it 100% free of viruses!

+++ XARIFA News Ticker +++ XARIFA News Ticker +++ XARIFA News Ticker +++

Pietro hat folgende Dateien angehängt:

Beitrag wurde 1 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt von Pietro am 2.08.2006 18:10 Uhr
2.08.2006 18:08 Uhr Pietro ist offlinePietro eine Email schicken
Eisbär Eisbär ist männlich
Mr. Silverfish

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Re: Unterwasser Film Festival

Sag mal, Pietro,

was wird in Kelsterbach an den beiden Tagen laufen? Das ist ja ganz in der Nähe vom Frankfurter Flughafen. Da könnte ich doch glatt mal an einen der beiden Tage vorbeischauen. Werden dort die Videos vorgeführt oder wie läuft das da ab?

Ich werde wahrscheinlich nicht teilnehmen, hätte aber Interesse mir das mal genauer anzuschauen.

Gruss Denny
born to be wild
8.08.2006 23:15 Uhr Eisbär ist offlineEisbär eine Email schicken
Pietro Pietro ist männlich

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Re: Unterwasser Film Festival

Hallo Denny,

zum genauem ablauf kann ich dir nichts sagen, schau mal auf deren seite mit bezug programm....solltest du da nichts finden schreib neh email an den Veranstalter, sprich Karl-Heinz und Leonore Wolf k-h.wolf@t-online.de

Beitrag wurde 1 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt von Pietro am 9.08.2006 9:04 Uhr
9.08.2006 9:01 Uhr Pietro ist offlinePietro eine Email schicken
Pietro Pietro ist männlich

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Herkunft: USA
Beruf: Vertrieb

Hochgeladene Videos Videos: 9
Re: Unterwasser Film Festival

UNTERWASSER FILM und Video Festivals 2006/07 date deadline/ Einsendeschluss

Marmaris Istanbul 3-Sep 20-Aug
Xarifa Kelsterbach 15-Oct 1-Sep
Sous Marine Antibes 28-Oct 15-Sep
Vodan Slovakije 7-Oct 22-Sep
LAUPS California 22-Oct 22-Sep
Ocean Fest Frisco 22-Jan 1-Oct
Vaasa Finland 15-Nov 1-Oct
Pelagos Rome 15-Nov 13-Oct
Nelos Antwerpen 3-Dec 27-Oct
International Belgrade 12-Dec 31-Oct
Seestern Dusseldorf 22-Jan 15-Dec
Beneath the sea New York 1-Mar 31-Dec
Dive festival Birmingham 15-Mar 31-Dec
Ocean ?? Slovakije 18-Oct
Epic California 1-Apr 15-Jan
Subios Seychelles 20-Mar 1-Feb
Videofestival Italy 12-Feb
Eastern Med Cyprus 22-Mar 15-Feb
GoldenDolphin Moscow 25-Dec 15-Feb
OneOcean Singapore 28-Apr 1-Apr
Al Mare a Milano Milano 15-May 1-Apr

Beitrag wurde 2 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt von Pietro am 28.12.2006 14:40 Uhr
14.08.2006 15:24 Uhr Pietro ist offlinePietro eine Email schicken
Pietro Pietro ist männlich

Beiträge: 372
Herkunft: USA
Beruf: Vertrieb

Hochgeladene Videos Videos: 9
Re: Unterwasser Film Festival

Hallo habe diesen link gefunden mit Bezug Seestern Wettbewerb 2006


Beitrag wurde 2 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt von Pietro am 1.01.2007 12:52 Uhr
31.12.2006 17:06 Uhr Pietro ist offlinePietro eine Email schicken
mudskipper mudskipper ist männlich

Beiträge: 502
Herkunft: Wien

Hochgeladene Videos Videos: 5
Re: Unterwasser Film Festival

Hier ein aktueller link zum Seestern 2006
lg Wilfried
mudskipper media auf facebook

Lieber ein Tag bei Regenwetter in den Tropen beim Tauchen und Videofilmen als bei Sonnenschein und 30° im Büro!
13.01.2007 23:48 Uhr mudskipper ist offlinemudskipper eine Email schicken
Pietro Pietro ist männlich

Beiträge: 372
Herkunft: USA
Beruf: Vertrieb

Hochgeladene Videos Videos: 9
Re: Unterwasser Film Festival

Das Unterwasser Tauchmagazin zeigt erstmals alle Seestern 2006 Siegerfilme online, eine schöne gelegenheit auch die Filme in der bis zu 20 minuten Kategorie zu geniessen.


Beitrag wurde 1 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt von Pietro am 26.01.2007 9:23 Uhr
26.01.2007 9:22 Uhr Pietro ist offlinePietro eine Email schicken
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